Classification of EEG Data
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Data Exploration & Preprcessing
- Import Data
- Visualize Data Using MNE
- Models Definition
- Recursive EEGNET
- Adversarial Data Augmentation
- Model Selection
- UTIL Functions
- Hyper-parameter Optimization (Optuna)
- Validation Accuracy
- Unachieved Experiments
- Conclusion
In this challenge, we will treat electroencephalogram data and try to predict if a fixation is used for control or if it is a spontaneous one.
This can be applied to detect the user’s intention to make an action by analyzing the brain signals, and automatically perfom this action, which can help him or her to focus on the main activity rather than on the motor task (mouse or keyboard manipulations).
The EEG data was recorded at $500Hz$ sampling rate for $13$ different participents using $19$ electrodes.
The $19$ electrodes to be used are placed in different positions of the brain. Their positions are given by polar cordinates and shown in the next table. We need to convert polar cordinate to xy cordinates to be able to represent them later.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import mne
import tensorflow
import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from matplotlib import rc
import matplotlib
from IPython.display import HTML
from data import DataBuildClassifier
rc('animation', html='html5')
<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x7fd4c4006220>
df = pd.read_csv('eeg/', sep='\t', header=None, names=['channel_id', 'ang', 'dist', 'channel_name'], skiprows=1)
channel_id | ang | dist | channel_name | |
0 | 1 | 0 | 0.25556 | Fz |
1 | 2 | -39 | 0.33333 | F3 |
2 | 3 | 39 | 0.33333 | F4 |
3 | 4 | 90 | 0.00000 | Cz |
4 | 5 | -90 | 0.25556 | C3 |
5 | 6 | 90 | 0.25556 | C4 |
6 | 7 | 180 | 0.25556 | Pz |
7 | 8 | -158 | 0.27778 | P1 |
8 | 9 | 158 | 0.27778 | P2 |
9 | 10 | -141 | 0.33333 | P3 |
10 | 11 | 141 | 0.33333 | P4 |
11 | 12 | 180 | 0.38333 | POz |
12 | 13 | -157 | 0.41111 | PO3 |
13 | 14 | 157 | 0.41111 | PO4 |
14 | 15 | -144 | 0.51111 | PO7 |
15 | 16 | 144 | 0.51111 | PO8 |
16 | 17 | 180 | 0.51111 | Oz |
17 | 18 | -162 | 0.51111 | O1 |
18 | 19 | 162 | 0.51111 | O2 |
def polar2z(r,theta):
return r * np.exp( 1j * (- theta + 90) * np.pi / 180 )
rs = df[['dist']].values
thetas = df[['ang']].values
xs, ys = polar2z(rs, thetas).real, polar2z(rs, thetas).imag
xycords = np.concatenate((xs, ys), axis=1)
Data Exploration & Preprocessing
Import Data
data_loader = DataBuildClassifier('eeg/') #Path to directory with data (i.e NewData contatins 25/, 26/ ....)
all_subjects = [25,26,27,28,29,30,32,33,34,35,36,37,38]
subjects = data_loader.get_data(all_subjects,
print("Participants:", list(subjects.keys()))
X, y = subjects[25]
print(X.shape) #EEG epochs (Trials) x Time x Channels
Participants: [25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]
(329, 150, 19)
We used the code provided by LIKANblk at to load the data. Data is stored in a dictionary where keys are the participants' IDs and the values are tuples of feature matrices and label vectors.
Each participant has a different number of trials (between $329$ and $668$). So our EEG data is matrices of shape $[N, 150, 19]$ where $N$ is the number of trials for each participant.
At this stage, we used a resampling value of $500Hz$ which gives $150$ data points for each trial since the length is $0.3s$. Later, we will tune the resampling parameter so the dimensions of input data will also vary.
Visualize Data Using MNE
The MNE library is a god tool that allows exploring and visualizing EEG data. As a first step, we choose to plot the amplitude topography of our data within different types of fixations (controlling vs non-controlling). These estimation were obtaining by averaging EEG data over all trials (grouped by label) for a random participant which could give us a global idea about the negativity topography over time using the animation. To comare different participants, we also performed an average over the $0.3s$ interval for each participant.
First, we can clearly see the different between controlling and non-controlling responses in the animation. In fact, negativity level represented in blue was important and remained until the end for the controlling response.
Despite responding to the same tasks, participants had very different reactions represented in the figures below, which makes us thing about creating a different classification model for each participant.
ind_0 = np.where(y == 0)[0]
ind_1 = np.where(y == 1)[0]
X_0 = X[ind_0]
X_1 = X[ind_1]
X_0_mean = np.mean(X_0, axis=0)
X_1_mean = np.mean(X_1, axis=0)
def animation_frame(i):
im0, cn0 = mne.viz.plot_topomap(data = X_0_mean[i], pos=xycords, sphere=0.6, axes=ax0);
im1, cn1 = mne.viz.plot_topomap(data = X_1_mean[i], pos=xycords, sphere=0.6, axes=ax1)
return cn0, cn1
fig, (ax0, ax1) = plt.subplots(1,2);
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, func=animation_frame, frames=150, interval=50);
html = anim.to_html5_video();
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2,13, figsize=(39, 6));
for i, key in enumerate(subjects):
X, y = subjects[key]
ind_0 = np.where(y == 0)[0]
ind_1 = np.where(y == 1)[0]
X_0 = X[ind_0]
X_1 = X[ind_1]
# the mean over all epoches
X_0_mean_ep = np.mean(X_0, axis=0)
X_1_mean_ep = np.mean(X_1, axis=0)
X_0_mean_time = np.mean(X_0_mean_ep, axis=0)
X_1_mean_time = np.mean(X_1_mean_ep, axis=0)
mne.viz.plot_topomap(data = X_0_mean_time, pos=xycords, sphere=0.6, axes=axes[0,i])
mne.viz.plot_topomap(data = X_1_mean_time, pos=xycords, sphere=0.6, axes=axes[1,i])
axes[0,i].set_xlabel('Non-controlling, P' + str(key))
axes[1,i].set_xlabel('Controlling, P' + str(key))
Models Definition
Depthwise Convolutions to learn spatial filters within a temporal convolution. The use of the depth_multiplier option maps exactly to the number of spatial filters learned within a temporal filter. This matches the setup of algorithms like FBCSP which learn spatial filters within each filter in a filter-bank. This also limits the number of free parameters to fit when compared to a fully-connected convolution.
Separable Convolutions to learn how to optimally combine spatial filters across temporal bands. Separable Convolutions are Depthwise Convolutions followed by (1x1) Pointwise Convolutions.
While the original paper used Dropout, we found that SpatialDropout2D sometimes produced slightly better results for classification of ERP signals. However, SpatialDropout2D significantly reduced performance on the Oscillatory dataset (SMR, BCI-IV Dataset 2A). We recommend using the default Dropout in most cases.
Assumes the input signal is sampled at 128Hz. If you want to use this model for any other sampling rate you will need to modify the lengths of temporal kernels and average pooling size in blocks 1 and 2 as needed (double the kernel lengths for double the sampling rate, etc). Note that we haven’t tested the model performance with this rule so this may not work well.
The model with default parameters gives the EEGNet-8,2 model as discussed in the paper. This model should do pretty well in general, although it is advised to do some model searching to get optimal performance on your particular dataset.
We set F2 = F1 * D (number of input filters = number of output filters) for the SeparableConv2D layer. We haven’t extensively tested other values of this parameter (say, F2 < F1 * D for compressed learning, and F2 > F1 * D for overcomplete). We believe the main parameters to focus on are F1 and D.
def EEGNet(nb_classes, Chans = 64, Samples = 128,
dropoutRate = 0.5, kernLength = 64, F1 = 8,
D = 2, F2 = 16, norm_rate = 0.25, dropoutType = 'Dropout'):
nb_classes : int, number of classes to classify
Chans, Samples : number of channels and time points in the EEG data
dropoutRate : dropout fraction
kernLength : length of temporal convolution in first layer. We found
that setting this to be half the sampling rate worked
well in practice. For the SMR dataset in particular
since the data was high-passed at 4Hz we used a kernel
length of 32.
F1, F2 : number of temporal filters (F1) and number of pointwise
filters (F2) to learn. Default: F1 = 8, F2 = F1 * D.
D : number of spatial filters to learn within each temporal
convolution. Default: D = 2
dropoutType : Either SpatialDropout2D or Dropout, passed as a string.
if dropoutType == 'SpatialDropout2D':
dropoutType = SpatialDropout2D
elif dropoutType == 'Dropout':
dropoutType = Dropout
raise ValueError('dropoutType must be one of SpatialDropout2D '
'or Dropout, passed as a string.')
input1 = Input(shape = (Chans, Samples,1))
block1 = Conv2D(F1, (1, kernLength), padding = 'same',
input_shape = (1, Chans, Samples),
use_bias = False)(input1)
block1 = BatchNormalization(axis = 1)(block1)
block1 = DepthwiseConv2D((Chans, 1), use_bias = False,
depth_multiplier = D,
depthwise_constraint = max_norm(1.))(block1)
block1 = BatchNormalization(axis = 1)(block1)
block1 = Activation('elu')(block1)
block1 = AveragePooling2D((1, 4))(block1)
block1 = dropoutType(dropoutRate)(block1)
block2 = SeparableConv2D(F2, (1, 16),
use_bias = False, padding = 'same')(block1)
block2 = BatchNormalization(axis = 1)(block2)
block2 = Activation('elu')(block2)
block2 = AveragePooling2D((1, 8))(block2)
block2 = dropoutType(dropoutRate)(block2)
flatten = Flatten(name = 'flatten')(block2)
dense = Dense(nb_classes, name = 'dense',
kernel_constraint = max_norm(norm_rate))(flatten)
softmax = Activation('sigmoid', name = 'sigmoid')(dense)
return Model(inputs=input1, outputs=output)
Recursive EEGNET
The EEGNet Architecture is based on Two blocks :
The firt block of EEG_Net aims to generate new channels for our EEG instead of of the original 19.
The second bloc tries to make sense of the temporal aspect of our data and compress the information to a vector which is then fed to the fully connected layer.
We believe we can improve this model by dropping the second block of our model and replacing it with a LSTM Cell, as Recursive Neural Networks are better equiped to deal with series that convolutional ones.
from tensorflow import squeeze,reshape
def EEGNet2(nb_classes, Chans = 64, Samples = 128,
dropoutRate = 0.5, kernLength = 64, F1 = 8,
D = 2, F2 = 16, norm_rate = 0.25, dropoutType = 'Dropout',hidden_size=400):
if dropoutType == 'SpatialDropout2D':
dropoutType = SpatialDropout2D
elif dropoutType == 'Dropout':
dropoutType = Dropout
raise ValueError('dropoutType must be one of SpatialDropout2D '
'or Dropout, passed as a string.')
input1 = Input(shape = (Chans, Samples,1))
block1 = Conv2D(F1, (1, kernLength), padding = 'same',
input_shape = (1, Chans, Samples),
use_bias = False)(input1)
block1 = BatchNormalization(axis = 1)(block1)
block1 = DepthwiseConv2D((Chans, 1), use_bias = False,
depth_multiplier = D,
depthwise_constraint = max_norm(1.))(block1)
block1 = BatchNormalization(axis = 1)(block1)
block1 = Activation('elu')(block1)
block1 = dropoutType(dropoutRate)(block1)
block1 = SeparableConv2D(F2, (1, 16),
use_bias = False, padding = 'same')(block1)
block1 =EEGNET BatchNormalization(axis = 1)(block1)
################## NEW BLOCK 2 ##############
block2 = reshape(block1,(-1,Samples,16))
block2 = LSTM(hidden_size) (block2)
flatten = block2
dense = Dense(nb_classes, name = 'dense',
kernel_constraint = max_norm(norm_rate))(flatten)
sigmoid = Activation('sigmoid', name = 'sigmoid')(dense)
return Model(inputs=input1, outputs=output)
Adversarial Data Augmentation
Training a DNN requires large amount of data. There’s no rule of thumb to determine how many data points we need. But we need more data points as our network gets deeper.
We will be training a modle for each patient. The problem is that our dataset is too small around 7000 examples, and an average of 300 samples per patient.
Even if we had enough data points, data augmentation techniques are always useful to introduce richness in our data and thus improve it’s generalization capabilities.
In the previous lab we dealt with augmenting image data which was relatively easier because we as humans know the transformations (flipping / zooming …) that should not shift the **content ** and thus the target of an image.
For time series this question gets trickier because we cannot characterize the transformations that do not affect our target.
We follow this paper to generate new points using adversarial attacks with Fast Gradient Signed Method (FGSM).
In short, FGSM calculates the gradient in the direction that changes the model output for a certain point. One can expect that with small changes to the data point the target should not change.
Different from conventional data augmentation based on data transformations, the examples are dynamically generated based on current model parameters.
loss_object = tf.keras.losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy()
def create_adversarial_pattern(model,input_image, input_label,epsilon=0.01):
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
prediction = model(input_image)
loss = loss_object(input_label, prediction)
# Get the gradients of the loss w.r.t to the input image.
gradient = tape.gradient(loss, input_image)
# Get the sign of the gradients to create the perturbation
perturbation = tf.sign(gradient)
perturbed_image = input_image + epsilon * perturbation
return (perturbed_image,input_label)
class CustomModel(Model):
def train_step(self, data):
# Unpack the data. Its structure depends on your model and
# on what you pass to `fit()`.
x, y = data
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y_pred = self(x, training=True) # Forward pass
# Compute the loss value
# (the loss function is configured in `compile()`)
loss = self.compiled_loss(y,y_pred,regularization_losses=self.losses)
# Compute gradients
trainable_vars = self.trainable_variables
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, trainable_vars)
# Update weights
self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, trainable_vars))
# Update metrics (includes the metric that tracks the loss)
self.compiled_metrics.update_state(y, y_pred)
# Return a dict mapping metric names to current value
x_adv,y_adv = create_adversarial_pattern(self,x,y,epsilon=0.01)
with tf.GradientTape() as tape:
y_pred_adv = self(x_adv, training=True) # Forward pass
loss = self.compiled_loss(y_adv, y_pred_adv, regularization_losses=self.losses)
# Compute gradients
trainable_vars = self.trainable_variables
gradients = tape.gradient(loss, trainable_vars)
# Update weights
self.optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, trainable_vars))
# Update metrics (includes the metric that tracks the loss)
self.compiled_metrics.update_state(y, y_pred)
# Return a dict mapping metric names to current value
return { m.result() for m in self.metrics}
Model Selection
UTIL Functions
from multiprocessing import Process
import threading
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
import gc
def fit_subject(curr_subject,model,subjects):
curr_X, curr_y = subjects[curr_subject][0], subjects[curr_subject][1]
x_tr, y_tr, x_tst, y_tst = separate_last_block(curr_X.reshape(-1,channels,samples), curr_y, test_size=0.2)
#print("Participant", curr_subject)
cv = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=3, shuffle=True)
cv_splits = list(cv.split(x_tr, y_tr))
for fold, (train_idx, val_idx) in enumerate(cv_splits):
x_tr_fold, y_tr_fold = x_tr[train_idx], y_tr[train_idx]
x_val_fold, y_val_fold = x_tr[val_idx], y_tr[val_idx]
train_dset =,y_tr_fold)).shuffle(SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE).batch(BATCH_SIZE).cache()
test_dset =,y_val_fold)).shuffle(SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE).batch(BATCH_SIZE).cache()
cmodel = tensorflow.keras.models.clone_model(model)
cmodel.compile(loss= "binary_crossentropy",
metrics = ['accuracy',auc])
early_stopping = tf.keras.callbacks.EarlyStopping(
history =,validation_data=test_dset, epochs=50, verbose=0,callbacks=[early_stopping])
#hist[curr_subject] = history
subject_avg_auc= sum(subject_aucs)/len(subject_aucs)
print("subject ",curr_subject," cross validation auc is ",subject_avg_auc)
return (subject_avg_auc,cmodel)
def fit_model(model,X,y,subjects):
hist = {}
for curr_subject in subjects.keys():
return(sum(aucs)/len(aucs), aucs , models)
Hyper Parameter ptimization (Optuna)
EEG data differs signifigicantly from one subject to another.As a matter of fact when training a model to make predictions for all the patients our model’s performance is comparable to that of a dummy model that outputs always 1.
For this reason we will need to train a separate model for each patient.
For the training procedure we will perform a 3 fold cross validation on each patient. Then we average the cross validation score among all patients to get our models performance.
We use Optuna library to do hyper parameter optimization, hyper parameters are the same across all subjects.
For the parameters we chose to work with :
Sampling rate, number of spatial filters (D) , number of temporal filters (F1) .. for the RNN version we also add the “hidden_size” parameter wich represents the dimension of the latent space to which the sequence is encoded.
While choosing parameters to optimize we omitted the learning rate parameter, for it will have an influence on the number of epochs we will need to train.
During other experiences we noticed a positive impact of small batch sizes on our model. This is probably due to the low cardinality of data per subject. Thus we train with a batch size of 6. This also can be seen as a form of regularization as a larger batch size leads to more overfitting.
from copy import deepcopy
import optuna
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
def objective(trial):
params= {
"nb_classes": 1,
"sampling_rate": int(trial.suggest_loguniform("sampling_rate",200,500)), #### SAMPLING RATE
'D': int(trial.suggest_discrete_uniform("D",2,7,1)),
'F1': int(trial.suggest_discrete_uniform("F1",10,20,2)),
'dropoutType': trial.suggest_categorical('dropoutType', ['SpatialDropout2D','Dropout']),
'norm_rate':trial.suggest_uniform ('norm_rate',0.1,0.4),
subjects,X,y= load_data(params["sampling_rate"])
params['Samples']= X.shape[1]
params['kernLength'] = params['Samples']//2
tmp = deepcopy(params)
model = EEGNet2(**tmp)
score,_,_ = fit_model(model,X,y,subjects)
return score
if __name__ == "__main__":
study = optuna.create_study( direction="maximize")
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=10,n_jobs=1)
print("Number of finished trials: {}".format(len(study.trials)))
print("Best trial:")
best_trial = study.best_trial
print(" Value: {}".format(best_trial.value))
print(" Params: ")
for key, value in best_trial.params.items():
print(" {}: {}".format(key, value))
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5500544806321462
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5415019591649374
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.7027895847956339
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.7076797286669413
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.5881204406420389
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5736167828241984
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5161363879839579
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5189573963483175
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5332119365533193
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5223170518875122
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5503557125727335
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.48951228459676105
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5468630790710449
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:53:05,717][0m Finished trial#0 with value: 0.564701294287657 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 294.17253459930856, 'D': 7.0, 'F1': 16.0, 'dropoutType': 'SpatialDropout2D', 'dropout': 0.4065782269727146, 'norm_rate': 0.36418614066547805, 'hidden_size': 493.1013044201371}. Best is trial#0 with value: 0.564701294287657.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.6069325009981791
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5707848866780599
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6794568498929342
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.5646241903305054
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.7278042634328207
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5640456676483154
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5593181947867075
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.6390135486920675
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5065835118293762
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5085595548152924
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5436311562856039
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5606645147005717
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.4620757003625234
[32m[I 2020-06-09 19:01:40,303][0m Finished trial#1 with value: 0.5764226569579198 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 243.38854016410448, 'D': 4.0, 'F1': 18.0, 'dropoutType': 'SpatialDropout2D', 'dropout': 0.4213993210188731, 'norm_rate': 0.3996955009812252, 'hidden_size': 345.25523367163817}. Best is trial#1 with value: 0.5764226569579198.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5439837376276652
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5469347635904948
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6971005201339722
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.643831710020701
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.675436774889628
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5135704775651296
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5669697125752767
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.7316848039627075
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5073891480763754
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5601117412249247
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5852811535199484
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5730216900507609
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5290093421936035
[32m[I 2020-06-09 19:12:03,657][0m Finished trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 437.4335582339642, 'D': 5.0, 'F1': 20.0, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropout': 0.4916534167875783, 'norm_rate': 0.22322045000560142, 'hidden_size': 175.65321729068285}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5598034262657166
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5634172956148783
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6577935814857483
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6684232354164124
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6742089788118998
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.590272068977356
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.541287879149119
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.6446231802304586
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5436186989148458
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5711986819903055
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5238871375719706
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5996352235476176
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5050057371457418
[32m[I 2020-06-09 19:27:31,674][0m Finished trial#3 with value: 0.5879365480863131 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 327.12949304053524, 'D': 2.0, 'F1': 12.0, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropout': 0.46750474243159484, 'norm_rate': 0.38960811357607117, 'hidden_size': 552.7616146633411}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5111099680264791
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.48244185249010724
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6639498074849447
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.5797793865203857
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6650960445404053
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5362717906634012
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5228030383586884
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.6896251837412516
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5835258960723877
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.6329651872316996
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5700344840685526
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5687893231709799
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5530367990334829
[32m[I 2020-06-09 19:35:29,499][0m Finished trial#4 with value: 0.5814945201079051 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 219.04974343050455, 'D': 5.0, 'F1': 10.0, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropout': 0.5478754640835779, 'norm_rate': 0.19848906598113294, 'hidden_size': 108.12585246188347}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5208505590756735
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5299160579840342
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.7041448553403219
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6161764860153198
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6009710232416788
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5991093715031942
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5476515094439188
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.6326287587483724
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.498713215192159
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5032487908999125
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5733733872572581
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5196362833182017
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5413806239763895
[32m[I 2020-06-09 19:48:03,946][0m Finished trial#5 with value: 0.5682923786151104 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 495.7933015572856, 'D': 6.0, 'F1': 18.0, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropout': 0.4896171619578974, 'norm_rate': 0.17341924408440157, 'hidden_size': 311.52980805875654}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5503379305203756
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5351647138595581
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.5644921362400055
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.5709150632222494
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6423476338386536
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5559979677200317
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5518655180931091
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5234885613123575
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.4907252589861552
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5577233533064524
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5191851456960043
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.4915379484494527
[32m[I 2020-06-09 19:59:01,054][0m Finished trial#6 with value: 0.5425985562495697 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 379.217898827663, 'D': 4.0, 'F1': 18.0, 'dropoutType': 'SpatialDropout2D', 'dropout': 0.4322810911037906, 'norm_rate': 0.16631841374512124, 'hidden_size': 366.17172359861627}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5782442887624105
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5931266148885092
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.7020252545674642
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6542075276374817
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6746311187744141
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5986506740252177
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5809848308563232
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.7118424375851949
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.44973565141359967
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.46617021163304645
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5524773498376211
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5040266911188761
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5250047842661539
[32m[I 2020-06-09 20:09:22,193][0m Finished trial#7 with value: 0.5839328796435624 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 479.5631860693477, 'D': 4.0, 'F1': 14.0, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropout': 0.4992280628911555, 'norm_rate': 0.21351374466207076, 'hidden_size': 226.32141713586387}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5459557970364889
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.49703489740689594
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6998864412307739
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6588643590609232
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6153612732887268
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.564194937547048
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5253030359745026
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5307222704092661
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5916541417439779
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.626232365767161
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5273935397466024
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.631036659081777
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5459572672843933
[32m[I 2020-06-09 20:17:40,710][0m Finished trial#8 with value: 0.5815074604291183 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 419.5627793401825, 'D': 4.0, 'F1': 14.0, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropout': 0.3754816649105341, 'norm_rate': 0.34441600183691884, 'hidden_size': 129.9024431269807}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5903327365716298.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5953840414683024
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5703359047571818
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.7089638511339823
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6600898702939352
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6451886892318726
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5185678501923879
Note: more detailed training logs can be found in the scratch notebook.
from copy import deepcopy
import optuna
from keras.backend.tensorflow_backend import set_session
def objective(trial):
params= {
"nb_classes": 1,
"sampling_rate": int(trial.suggest_loguniform("sampling_rate",200,500)), #### SAMPLING RATE
'D': int(trial.suggest_discrete_uniform("D",2,7,1)),
'F1': int(trial.suggest_discrete_uniform("F1",10,20,2)),
#'dropoutType': trial.suggest_categorical('dropoutType', ['SpatialDropout2D','Dropout']),
'norm_rate':trial.suggest_uniform ('norm_rate',0.1,0.4),
subjects,X,y= load_data(params["sampling_rate"])
params['Samples']= X.shape[1]
params['kernLength'] = params['Samples']//2
tmp = deepcopy(params)
model = EEGNet(**tmp)
score,_,_ = fit_model(model,X,y,subjects)
return score
if __name__ == "__main__":
study = optuna.create_study( direction="maximize")
study.optimize(objective, n_trials=10,n_jobs=1)
print("Number of finished trials: {}".format(len(study.trials)))
print("Best trial:")
best_trial = study.best_trial
print(" Value: {}".format(best_trial.value))
print(" Params: ")
for key, value in best_trial.params.items():
print(" {}: {}".format(key, value))
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5545987685521444
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5110982060432434
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6639086802800497
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6544934511184692
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6317564845085144
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5374701619148254
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5297727187474569
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.6056025425593058
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5419336557388306
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5690883795420328
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5570367177327474
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5478103756904602
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5201659003893534
[32m[I 2020-06-09 17:56:28,821][0m Finished trial#0 with value: 0.5711335417551873 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 266.9092488042957, 'D': 7.0, 'F1': 12.0, 'dropout': 0.2858150962653048, 'norm_rate': 0.23651229157306844}. Best is trial#0 with value: 0.5711335417551873.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5316811899344126
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5052519341309866
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6512909928957621
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6073120832443237
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.632778545220693
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5675706068674723
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5336363712946574
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5315235654513041
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5116812785466512
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5965690215428671
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5429664651552836
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5654333829879761
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5774218042691549
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:01:00,391][0m Finished trial#1 with value: 0.5657782493493495 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 311.290642346325, 'D': 2.0, 'F1': 10.0, 'dropout': 0.4670526417263701, 'norm_rate': 0.3320097610765448}. Best is trial#0 with value: 0.5711335417551873.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5987007220586141
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.49684107303619385
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.645676056543986
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6098856131235758
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6985040704409281
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5168025195598602
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.4643939435482025
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5861608386039734
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5920529762903849
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5645117362340292
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5166243116060892
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.6201465924580892
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5441218415896097
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:06:07,121][0m Finished trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 216.30755547085275, 'D': 7.0, 'F1': 18.0, 'dropout': 0.2136942653488575, 'norm_rate': 0.3770812607549072}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.6084346175193787
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5131976902484894
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.588204046090444
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.5292483965555826
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6143499215443929
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5290862719217936
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5426514943440756
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.53932124376297
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.4680686891078949
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5807907581329346
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5170561174551646
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5645971099535624
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5222158829371134
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:10:09,471][0m Finished trial#3 with value: 0.547478633813369 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 261.82491937457627, 'D': 2.0, 'F1': 20.0, 'dropout': 0.5099419052601433, 'norm_rate': 0.1595245606874872}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5349873304367065
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5209722419579824
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6361914078394572
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.593137284119924
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6494287451108297
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.4951792558034261
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.46621212363243103
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5184977352619171
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5703481038411459
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5516541401545206
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5402766565481821
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.6060185432434082
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5338482161362966
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:15:08,054][0m Finished trial#4 with value: 0.5551347526220175 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 216.02738603795314, 'D': 3.0, 'F1': 14.0, 'dropout': 0.2932566246372618, 'norm_rate': 0.11934995736870066}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5708852410316467
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.48410852750142414
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.6122991840044657
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6048202514648438
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6330939730008444
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5304328203201294
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5140909055868784
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5434862971305847
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5382346908251444
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.57898477713267
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5085165003935496
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.6091847022374471
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5453136960665385
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:19:24,763][0m Finished trial#5 with value: 0.5594962743612437 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 253.07818415696346, 'D': 4.0, 'F1': 12.0, 'dropout': 0.4602131317601076, 'norm_rate': 0.350758341694983}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5865375200907389
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.4223158856232961
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.5906086961428324
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.5954248309135437
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6389772891998291
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.48557015260060626
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.48924243450164795
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5078058540821075
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.49192286531130475
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5671513477961222
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.48257972796758014
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5946777860323588
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5354929467042288
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:23:09,833][0m Finished trial#6 with value: 0.5375621028435537 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 448.63590539898877, 'D': 7.0, 'F1': 18.0, 'dropout': 0.25518918565206605, 'norm_rate': 0.2340519013707042}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5771518150965372
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.4884173075358073
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.5680169463157654
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.530024508635203
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6272076368331909
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5562892953554789
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5162121256192526
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5295678675174713
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.4490525722503662
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5531790455182394
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.4889960289001465
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.564225971698761
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5055539508660635
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:26:55,986][0m Finished trial#7 with value: 0.5349150055494063 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 468.0643104852022, 'D': 6.0, 'F1': 10.0, 'dropout': 0.42695247497559496, 'norm_rate': 0.106784697898484}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.5001275936762491
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.5082041223843893
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.56938769419988
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.5464460849761963
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6590613524119059
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5156872073809305
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5578787724177042
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5554478764533997
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5725367466608683
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5573962529500326
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5285290479660034
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.6099909345308939
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5305825769901276
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:31:44,131][0m Finished trial#8 with value: 0.5547135586921985 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 498.9521274584874, 'D': 5.0, 'F1': 12.0, 'dropout': 0.20490805639886017, 'norm_rate': 0.31728046150434447}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
subject 25 cross validation auc is 0.56333660085996
subject 26 cross validation auc is 0.48946382602055866
subject 27 cross validation auc is 0.5760769844055176
subject 28 cross validation auc is 0.6171160141626993
subject 29 cross validation auc is 0.6083543499310812
subject 30 cross validation auc is 0.5778411030769348
subject 32 cross validation auc is 0.5234090785185496
subject 33 cross validation auc is 0.5093669394652048
subject 34 cross validation auc is 0.5294975439707438
subject 35 cross validation auc is 0.5387482444445292
subject 36 cross validation auc is 0.5308080712954203
subject 37 cross validation auc is 0.5912283062934875
subject 38 cross validation auc is 0.5179729262987772
[32m[I 2020-06-09 18:35:49,085][0m Finished trial#9 with value: 0.5517861529802666 with parameters: {'sampling_rate': 243.17593710641626, 'D': 5.0, 'F1': 18.0, 'dropout': 0.20659262712148202, 'norm_rate': 0.14232588487420322}. Best is trial#2 with value: 0.5734170996225797.[0m
Number of finished trials: 10
Best trial:
Value: 0.5734170996225797
sampling_rate: 216.30755547085275
D: 7.0
F1: 18.0
dropout: 0.2136942653488575
norm_rate: 0.3770812607549072
Note: more detailed training logs can be found in the scratch notebook.
Validation Accuracy
From the last section we see that RNN EEGNet slightly outperforms the Regular EEGNet, let’s check how it performs on validation data.
params={"nb_classes": 1,"Chans":19,'Samples': 132, 'D': 5, 'F1': 20, 'dropoutType': 'Dropout', 'dropoutRate': 0.4916534167875783, 'norm_rate': 0.22322045000560142, 'hidden_size': 175,'kernLength':62}
subjects,X,y = load_data(437)
for subject in subjects.keys():
print( "Validation average AUC score is ", sum(val_aucs)/len(val_aucs))
subject 25 validation AUC is 0.5109648704528809
subject 26 validation AUC is 0.6578947305679321
subject 27 validation AUC is 0.7129629850387573
subject 28 validation AUC is 0.7807692289352417
subject 29 validation AUC is 0.6477864384651184
subject 30 validation AUC is 0.5190918445587158
subject 32 validation AUC is 0.48795175552368164
subject 33 validation AUC is 0.5830159187316895
subject 34 validation AUC is 0.685835063457489
subject 35 validation AUC is 0.7109028697013855
subject 36 validation AUC is 0.5075335502624512
subject 37 validation AUC is 0.5814938545227051
subject 38 validation AUC is 0.5853383541107178
Validation average AUC score is 0.6131954972560589
Unachieved Experiments
Unfortunately some of the techniques we saught to improve our model where unfructful.
We tried to parallelize model training as we will be training a model for each subject. For this end we saught to train each model on an independant thread using the threading module . Also we tried to used the parallelization of running experiments with Optuna with the parameter n_jobs.
This did not work due to problems handling Keras sessions, which caused parameter confusions when running on multiple threads. Tensorflow 2.0 being recent we could not find any workaround to his on forums.
Also we saught to generate balanced batches to train our model as our data is slightly skewed using IMB Learn Balanced data generator but we faced issues feeding the data to our model.
For this project we worked with EEG data to classify gaze fixations into control and spontaneous reactions. The data was recorded from different participants who played a real-time control game.
Through various papers we learned a lot about different EEG paradigms, and the various architectures and tricks to work with these paradigms. We also learned to work with few data points. We find this lab really interesting as it introduced us to a real life science problem and how AI can help solve it.